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Gunmetal Magic
Ilona Andrews
I Am Pilgrim
Terry Hayes
Four Summoner's Tales
Christopher Golden, Jonathan Maberry, Kelley Armstrong, David Liss
Churchill Versus Hitler: War of Words
Peter John
J.C. Mells
Fury's Kiss
Karen Chance
Untitled Downside Ghosts
Stacia Kane
Before Dark
Jonathan Lake
The Lies of Locke Lamora (The Gentleman Bastard, #1)
Scott Lynch
Mom of the Year
Denise Pischinger

Defender (Sanctuary, #1)

Defender (Sanctuary, #1) - Robert J. Crane I received a free copy of this book for my review. Mercenary Guilds full of elves, trolls, goblins and every other fantasy figure you can imagine. There was a lot of conflict and fighting, but the story is also about trust, friendship and leading others. My favourite character was Vara, her tough gal attitude made me chuckle quite a few times. It was a story I think the lovers of scifi and fantasy will delight in. I think the writer could spend a little more time developing the relationships between the characters outside of the fighting element. It was an interesting read