3 Following


Currently reading

Gunmetal Magic
Ilona Andrews
I Am Pilgrim
Terry Hayes
Four Summoner's Tales
Christopher Golden, Jonathan Maberry, Kelley Armstrong, David Liss
Churchill Versus Hitler: War of Words
Peter John
J.C. Mells
Fury's Kiss
Karen Chance
Untitled Downside Ghosts
Stacia Kane
Before Dark
Jonathan Lake
The Lies of Locke Lamora (The Gentleman Bastard, #1)
Scott Lynch
Mom of the Year
Denise Pischinger

Blood Bound (Mercy Thompson, Book 2)

Blood Bound - Patricia Briggs Mercy is slowly evolving from a Coyote Walker with no reputation, to a Walker that the vamps and fee will soon fear alike. In the middle of all this she has three romantic interests to deal with.I love the intricate details of pack dominance and the German origins of Zee. This series is a real beauty on the para/sup. genre and I not only am enjoying the books immensely...I also highly recommend them.