3 Following


Currently reading

Gunmetal Magic
Ilona Andrews
I Am Pilgrim
Terry Hayes
Four Summoner's Tales
Christopher Golden, Jonathan Maberry, Kelley Armstrong, David Liss
Churchill Versus Hitler: War of Words
Peter John
J.C. Mells
Fury's Kiss
Karen Chance
Untitled Downside Ghosts
Stacia Kane
Before Dark
Jonathan Lake
The Lies of Locke Lamora (The Gentleman Bastard, #1)
Scott Lynch
Mom of the Year
Denise Pischinger
Take No More (James Blake, #1) - Seb Kirby A nice afternoon read but I found it predictable.I would have loved to have seen the lost art and stolen masterpieces idea developed more. How and where did the villain get the paintings for instance, what happened to them during the missing years. Some of the ideas were more tv cliffhanger revelations and a little hard to swallow in this scenario of crime/thriller story. There were quite a few underdeveloped subplots that would have added more to the sense of depth if they had been focused on more. Overall I thought it was a pleasant read, but hope to see a more risque side of the authors writing in the next book. By that I don't mean graphic just willing to take the plunge and risk being more emotional and gritty instead of just barely sinking his teeth in.