In a nutshell there is a whole lot of crazy going on in this book. Not satisfied with presenting his readers with a serial killer Cross decided to make it a triple whammy.The main character Marcus, is being observed and aided in his vigilante career by a serial killer. That's right Ackermann just wants to help him out a little by killing an odd person here or there.Now that combo is trying to find someone who is killing young women and he in turn has been taught by yup you got it, yet another serial killer.In fact at times it is hard keeping track of who is killing whom.Sometimes less is more. It might also be a better idea to keep some of the sub plots low key and let them build with more tension. As it is it just seems like one huge Superbowl of killing.Ackermann and Marcus will be interesting to watch in the next book, especially given the info that is fed to the reader during the story. What sort of implications will it have? Is Marcus going to give in to that dark side that shimmers on the surface? Is Ackermann actually discovering a little bit of his humanity that is left within the tortured shell of his mind?I do have one complaint though. Plot-wise having Maggie make that choice at the end was pivotal to the story but was completely far-fetched.Overall this is a decent crime story perhaps a little on the garish side and lacking a spark of a thriller, but still a good read.I received a copy of this book via NetGalley.