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Currently reading

Gunmetal Magic
Ilona Andrews
I Am Pilgrim
Terry Hayes
Four Summoner's Tales
Christopher Golden, Jonathan Maberry, Kelley Armstrong, David Liss
Churchill Versus Hitler: War of Words
Peter John
J.C. Mells
Fury's Kiss
Karen Chance
Untitled Downside Ghosts
Stacia Kane
Before Dark
Jonathan Lake
The Lies of Locke Lamora (The Gentleman Bastard, #1)
Scott Lynch
Mom of the Year
Denise Pischinger
Time After Time - Marc Nash A world ruled by women in which men are nothing more than objects to be used in any way women see fit.A plan has been concocted to go back in time a kill a specific female in the hope that it will change the future of men in general. Sort of like the Butterfly Effect a la Terminator.Rather cleverly the theme of butterflies has been interwoven into the story, almost like a ode to the Butterfly Effect.Once again Nash has produced the type of book/story that demands nothing less than your full attention.He does love his complexity. Now that works really well in his short stories, but I think in the longer piece the author may have overindulged a little. Saying that, he has a distinct and memorable way of writing and plotting. It is abstract.Having the soundtrack linked to the setting and message of the plot wasn't something that I really noticed. However if the author could manage an interactive version whereby the links could be played during the read, that would be both en vogue and give the setting a stronger sense of era and time.There were parts of the book that made me nod my head in agreement, others made me want to growl with displeasure (we don't all pearl one, knit one you know) and of course the moments when I had to blink, think and have a lightbulb moment.Nash never makes anything easy.I received a copy of this book for my review.